Programming Mythology

I can see some parallels between the way Greek mythology evolved and how we view the evolution of programming technology.

The first elder god of the Greek pantheon was the Titan Gaea (also spelled Gaia), who is thought to be an incorporation of an early earth-mother myth. The same inclusion strategy can be seen with the other Titans who tend to represent core elements of nature; Uranus, sky; Oceanus, sea; Hyperion, sun. Later, the newer Olympian gods represented more complex ideas like love, beauty and war.

In programming we've moved from foundational deities such as computer to elementals such as memory, processor speed and storage to more modern gods such as design patterns, garbage collection and object oriented design.

In the world of technology we don't dismiss the predecessor's we merely incorporate them into the current mythos. Just as with the Greeks, nothing is lost, only the importance is changed.


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