
There's a new EWeek article titled Lotus Partners picking up Java Slack that talks about the canceled Garnet project. In the article they label the events around the cancellation of Garnet 'Garnetgate'. I'm surprised I'd never heard that one before as I had the dubious distinction of being the lead developer for the server portions of the Garnet project at its demise.

My recollection of the events leading up to the cancellation are lots of boring meetings and yo-yo-ing emotions as the winds shifted around the fate of the project. In the end my opinion didn't matter, it was a decision made way above my band level (bands are how you know where you fit within the giant IBM hierarchy).

I know some of the folks at Brightline and had a chance to see the product. The early version I saw was great and I'm sure what they are showing at LotusSphere is even better. I wish them luck.


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